

The stock market crash on Tuesday

2013-04-01 22:47

    The stock market crash on Black Tuesday. The stock market took a nose dive and dropped more than 100 points. Global stock market slump against the backdrop of a bleak! The stock market crash finished many speculators. You saw your life savings go up in smoke when the stock market crash. You completely lost your marbles after the stock market crash. That's no april fool.
    The question is: Should stock investors be worried? As you might expect, some say yes and some say no. A stock market crash means it's time to reinvest. Once weakening trend, it is often a big crash, units remained tenacious resistance, and so on to explain and tolerance, in fact, this is a big mistake! And conversely, looking for such super dark horse, can will each fall, the grail rising stocks down, especially when grail, the rise of the slump in individual stocks down! Only in this way you can long survive in the stock market.
    But,the rumoured stock market crash has yet to take place. Practical jokes are a common practice on april fool's day.



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